

20 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

In order to take your business to the next level, here are the top social media marketing mistakes to avoid! I’m going to share with you today twenty ways that you could be actually damaging your business with your social media marketing.

You know how important social media is to any business. Whether you sell a product, a service, you’re an influencer —  you are putting yourself out there as a personal brand and as an entrepreneur. It is essential to use social media for your business, but at the same time, it can also hurt your business. 

Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

20 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

These are the top mistakes in marketing that happen quite frequently on all social media platforms.

#1 – Talking all about yourself, your products, and your service

That is one of the main things that I see happening quite often, and I used to do it too, so hey, I’ve been there. I would constantly vomit what we have to offer as an agency, our services, or my products with my other business.

So constantly bragging about your business, your products, your services are going to turn people off. People want to hear about what’s in it for them first. Thinking about how I can actually be a problem solver to my ideal audience, how can I help them, how can I be of service? Then you will see that your social media will be a lot more effective.

# 2- Being antisocial on social media!

Social media is meant to be social. I look at their Facebook personal profiles and their business profiles, and they are not conversing. They are not being social anywhere, or I see them posting a lot on their business profiles but nothing on their personal profiles. That’s being antisocial. In order for people to see us, and for us to gain that visibility, we have to put ourselves out there, and not just in business, but also in person

I typically suggest you use 80% personal, 20% professional on your personal profile, and in your business, it’s vice versa. 

#3 – Treating your social media as a side project

If you are trying to use this medium for business, then it can’t be a side project. It takes a commitment, and you have two options. You either can do it yourself, or you can hire someone. To help you do it for yourself, or you can hire an agency like Hype Media to do it for you. It just really depends on your budget.

#4 – You are not consistent on your social media 

If you truly want to serve the audience that is your tribe, they need to see you. They want to see you as the expert, and so they need to hear from you more than twice a week.

I suggest posting once a day. It’s super important for people to see my face even more. You definitely need that consistency to be shown and seen as the expert. 

#5 – Don’t ignore your followers

You are losing out on opportunities when you ignore your followers, so don’t ignore them. Do it timely, because it will pick it up a notch for you in the algorithm.

#6 – Using way too much automation

There are several third-party tools that you can use for your social media accounts. I used an outside third-party tool to schedule my posts here and on Instagram. My reach is not as good as it could be if I actually scheduled inside of the creator’s studio on Facebook. It’s a free tool and it’s amazing and it’s really nice too when you can actually plan things ahead of time. Use something like Trello, or Google spreadsheet as a way to create a content calendar that works.

#7 – Not measuring/checking your analytics

Check on those insights to find out what’s working, and what’s not working. You can get so much information when you are looking into your analytics. 

#8 – Talking so much, and not listening

Ask a lot of questions. People don’t want to be lectured. They’re not children. They want to learn, be inspired, and be motivated. But when your posts are constantly telling people what to do, instead of asking them questions, it’s going to be a turn-off.

\People love to talk about themselves, so it’s a great opportunity to find out more about your audience

#9 – Not staying current on current events and topics

You want to be really relevant and keep your audience up to date with the things that are going on, even if they don’t specifically relate to your business.

Maybe there is a new way of cooking, a new recipe, or a new event in your community that has to do with fitness that you want to post about. Stay relevant with what’s going on in your community, in the world, and also be really appropriate, and conscious about that when you are posting as well.

#10 – Don’t forget that people buy from people

Tell some jokes, have fun, entertain, distract them, share a funny meme, share a funny picture of you and your office. Be real, because people want to connect with other human beings, and they’re more likely to continue to follow you, and buy from you as loyal clients or customers when they have a connection with you. They’re buying the product from you, or the service from you as a human being not as your service. 

#11 – Constantly repeating yourself

I believe that repurposing content is a simple and effective way to use one piece of content in various places around the internet, but you also don’t want to be constantly saying the same thing.

You can actually use one piece of content, and then rotate them around different platforms, and then use that same piece of content again, or just edit it.

#12- You don’t have a plan in action.

You’re going to gain more conversions when you’re actually planning out your content, and not just winging it on a daily.

Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

#13 – Dropping really useless content just to drop content

If you have nothing valuable to post, just don’t post. It can actually hurt your social media profile rather than helping it.

It’s not going to gain you engagement, and it’s going to be annoying, and people can probably find better content somewhere else.

#14 – Don’t be sloppy 

Double-check what you are putting out there. Mistakes happen but they can also be taken care of, and can really be unnecessary for it to happen when you double check things. 

#15 – You’re not taking social media seriously

Make it an integral part of your marketing strategy, whether you are posting content, coming up with a program, or creating a landing page. You want to strategize and make sure that you’re delivering and what you’re communicating is coming off in a way that’s going to serve others versus yourself.

#16 – Not maximizing your inside group

Groups are amazing because you can use them to increase your network and to make more connections. Making new business connections and friendships can help to grow your business fast.

#17 – Not doing proper reach-outs

I have quite a few connections, and I recently got reached out by somebody that I haven’t spoken to in two years. Saying “Hi, how are you?” but instead say, “Hey, I noticed, blah, blah, blah…”. Do a little bit of research before you reach out to somebody that you haven’t spoken to in a long time, or haven’t connected with for a long time.

#18 – Assuming that the person you are reaching out to is interested in anything

Ask a question but don’t assume that they might be really interested in something.

#19 – Tagging random people that you think might be interested in your product

If you are posting a product and you start tagging everybody that you think would be interested in that product, that’s a big no.

It’s not social media etiquette. Don’t do it. 

#20 – Not putting yourself out on social media

If you are the face of your business, or in direct sales, an agent of real estate or insurance, or a coach, a boutique owner — It’s so imperative to put yourself out there as a personal brand.

Social media is a powerful tool that can really help your business grow.

However, if you are not careful, it can also be the cause of major headaches and problems for your company. 

Social media marketing is an integral part of any successful business these days, but it can be difficult to get a handle on. When you are just getting started with social media marketing, there will be many mistakes you make along the way. It’s important that you learn from other people’s mistakes so that your company doesn’t have to go through them too.

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Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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