

The Secret Ingredient to Long-Term Business Success That You Actually Have Control Off

How can it actually stand out online? There’s so much clutter and so many impressions thrown at us every day. It’s time to learn how you can use social media as a tool to help you stand out from the competition.

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that a personal brand is not your logo.

What my brand is, is me.

I am the leader of my business therefore I am the brand, and that is how you can generate more sales, serve more people, and make a bigger impact by showing up as a human being, by showing up as you.

Here are some ways that prove showing up and building a personal brand can increase your sales.

The Secret Ingredient to Long-Term Business Success

To be honest, there are actually ten different things that you can be doing right now in your business to help it succeed long term. Once you realize that YOU are the secret ingredient to the success of your business, you’ll want to understand why using these reasons below.

Showing up as a personal brand gives you more credibility because you’re giving a human effect to your business

People love to relate. It’s important to have that connection and be there with them and for them.

Here’s another fun statistic: 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals over brands due to personal branding. 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals over brands due to personal branding.

What that means is when you as the business owner are showing up as a personal brand, you’re going to be trusted much more than a corporate brand that puts itself out there because of that human connection.

When you show up as you, there is no competition anymore

You can only be you unless you can clone yourself, which isn’t actually happening yet. Embrace yourself and your skillsets, and you’ll be amazed at how less stressed you feel. 

More articles are written about people than companies

People love to highlight other people and their success, and readers and potential customers LOVE to read personal success stories.

A personal brand is going to get you on bigger and better deals because of that credibility aspect

When you show up as a thought leader, as an expert, you will get better and bigger deals. You’re going to be showcased and highlighted as a thought leader.

People want to do business with leaders, not salespeople, even though you’re selling. It’s how you show up. It’s the perception.

They don’t want to work with somebody that is just about products

They want to work with somebody that they feel is credible enough as an expert to help them solve their problem.

It’s going to help you build a bigger and better network of people as well because people network with people, not with companies.

When you show up as a personal brand, you are actually building relationships on a human level

It’s building your credibility, your visibility, and establishing yourself as somebody that is specialized in your industry/ You’re going to build relationships, and when you build relationships, you have long-term clients.

When they see you as a personal brand, they’ve interacted with you on a human level

This is HUGE! To relate to clients and help them with their needs and solve pain points is the perfect way to make a connection and establish authority.

A personal brand gives you the ability to work with higher-quality clients

Higher quality clients prefer to work with leaders, thought leaders, experts rather than with a logo or with a company with a product.

They want to know that they’re working with somebody who will bring them results. Remember, it’s not the product that’s getting the results. It’s actually you because you are the leader of your business, of your products, and your services.

Showing up as a personal brand allows you to charge more money

This is true because you’re showing up with established credibility. Price honestly goes out the window. It’s more about what you can bring to the table. 

A personal brand is going to attract clients to you first, versus you chasing them

One of the biggest reasons and the biggest ways is that when your ideal clients, customers, or followers, your audience sees a face, they see an actual human representing that business.

The more that people start to recognize you, to like you, and to connect with your values, the more likely they’re going to spend money with you and with your business because they’re connecting with you on a human level.

They’re investing in you. They’re not investing in the product.

When they’re investing in you, they’re investing in the results and transformation you provide to them.

They’re not investing in the actual product that you sell. They’re investing in what that product will do for them on the other side.

Here’s a fascinating statistic: 70% of salespeople who use social media outsell their peers.

You’re probably thinking, “I’m not a salesperson, I’m a coach, I’m a consultant.

Guess what? Yes, you are. You’re a salesperson because you’re selling services. You’re selling products. So let’s call it what it is, you’re still a salesperson.

Use these tips to be the best brand and salesperson for your business. With just a little bit of effort and knowledge, you can become a leader and be viewed as the go-to to work with!


Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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