

How to incorporate your personal branding into your style!

Are you ready to learn how to incorporate your personal branding into your style? These tips can help you be true to who you are while still building your business and brand at the same time.

We are going to talk about how to be more visible, not just with your social media marketing, and the content that you’re putting out there but with you, because you are your brand. How many times have you heard that?

how to uncover your personal brand

Do you ever feel a disconnect between your personal style and your services? Or between your products and your brand or business?  

Today specifically, I want to talk to you about one of my absolute passions – style and branding. And it’s actually something that I am so passionate about because I’m also an image consultant and style coach. (So if you haven’t followed me there yet, over at my business page, Style Rebel Mama, do so. I dish out lots of my style secrets, and just ways to really align yourself more authentically with your inner self, and how to actually convey that out to the world with how you dress.”

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about that because it really is so important, especially for us solopreneurs and entrepreneurs that are putting ourselves out there more than ever on Zoom, on Facebook Lives, whatever, you know, video you’re doing to broadcast your message. 

You want to align your image with your brands

You are your brand. You are a walking and talking advert for whatever you are selling. And it’s so important that whether you are working on branding for your business, or branding for a product, or whatever you want people to believe in that has to do with your brand.

It’s super important that you are aligning your image with how you represent that service or product. And not to mention that you will align yourself with the prices that you’re asking for, too. Your exterior definitely must match what you’re selling. It’s just a fact.

If you want it to all work cohesively together, from your marketing to your colors, all of that needs to really match together. Think of yourself as your brand.

Think of what you’re selling, which is you, first. Because when you are an entrepreneur and you are promoting a brand, or a product, or a service, you are putting yourself out there first. People want to connect with the human being that’s behind that image, or that product, or that service.

Be specific on your brand message

What does your brand have to say about you? When you consider this, think of words that describe you. I think the most genuine way to really figure this out is to ask your friends. Ask like five or six friends to describe you. If they had just maybe five words, adjectives to use to describe you, how would they describe you? Write those down, and make a list.

Stay consistent with your style

Don’t contradict yourself. Don’t try to sell something that is authentic and true to you, and that means yourself and your personality as well. Be true to who you are.

Highlight your uniqueness

It’s okay to highlight your unique features so that people remember you. Maybe it’s your eye color or maybe you have a super unique eye color…highlight that eye color every time you are taking a selfie of yourself and make those eyes pop. That is going to be a feature that is going to stand out about you that people recognize you with and that is okay. 

Try a signature style

If you don’t have one, or you don’t think you have one it’s okay. (We do have a coaching program through all of this, and we talk about all of these things!) Wear something that is going to have you stand out and have people remember. 

For me, because I’m a personal stylist and image consultant. I tend to wear a lot of statement pieces when I go to networking events, and people recognize me as the stylist, as the image consultant, because that is part of my signature style. With HYPE Media, I tend to wear a lot of red because that’s part of my branding. And so that’s part of my signature style.

Use color to convey your message

I love this and love having bright colors in my branding because it’s cheerful, outgoing, and shows that I’m an extrovert which will help people want to approach me as well. 

Don’t be a copycat

Don’t try to be like somebody else. Be true to yourself. You’ll find that authentic style brand and people will more likely be attracted to that than you just throwing something out there.

I hope that these tips on incorporating personal branding into your style helped. Every day is a chance to work with more people and help them out with your style and approach!

Be certain to read our 10 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand post as well!

Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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