

10 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand

Let’s dive right in and talk about the 10 steps to building your personal brand. We’re going to talk about how to build a personal brand, the “how’s” and why it’s so important? so that you can stand out from your competition.

how to build your brand

I run a social media marketing agency and love to support small business owners. I love to help with social media marketing, content creation, lead generation, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and better yet one-on-one coaching. It is so important for us as business owners, especially entrepreneurs to build our personal brands.

If you’re ready to learn how to build your personal brand, the following steps are exactly what you need!

10 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand

Build your presence online

People are spending so much time online, more so now than ever, historically. If you want people to see you and recognize you and your brand, it’s time to dive into the online world of marketing. 

Increase your visibility to others

Put yourself out there! Doing this is what is going to separate you from your competition because many people aren’t doing this or don’t want to do this.

Be authentic, be genuine, and show that you’re there to be a helper to others. Do what you can to stand out in the crowd. Show your face on lives or in videos and prove that you’re someone who is trustworthy and knowledgeable. You’re a force to pay attention to!

Build your network

We all need tribes of people that we connect with and find support through. Loyal customers can also be a huge component of your tribe!

Now that you know the three main tips for building up your confidence to build up your brand, let’s talk about seven different steps of creating a compelling and profitable personal brand. 

Take inventory of what you own

This includes all your skills and your credentials. What are you known for? What are you good at? Why do others trust you? What are you advanced in? What are your passions and interests?

When you’re passionate about your skillsets, others are going to be passionate as well.

Know your personal brand

What is your brand vision? What do you want to be known for?

And if you’re not sure, that’s okay. An easy way to figure it out can be to say this to yourself “I do this, with this, to help this” and then fill in the blanks.

Create a mission statement that you love and figure out what you’re wanting to accomplish with your brands. All of this can be a part of your value statement that tells others what you’re really all about.

Align with who you are authentically

We’re a visual society. If you’re wanting to align with your target audience better, take inventory and observe and then figure out the best way to appeal to them.

Find out your “avatar”, which is really who you’re trying to connect with and appeal to and then figure out how to turn that into success.

Pinpoint the right customers

Know who you’re trying to attract. Once you realize that, you can easily pinpoint your customers as well. This is great for ad targeting or even using social media ads as well.

Create an irresistible offer

Your offers need to help your customers solve a problem. Find out what they need help with the most and then build an offer from there. You can use the internet to research common pain-points in your industry or even just ask family and friends for their advice, too.

Have your offer give a solution that your customers are going to love.

Build a platform for your services

You can’t expect to build an audience when you don’t have any platform for them to go to. WordPress is an amazing resource to use where you can create a website and a landing page full of information and offers.

You can use lead pages, ClickFunnels, my NEW personal favorite – Funnel Gorgeous Funnels but the list could go on and on. Find a platform that fills the needs of your services so that you can help your clients in the most efficient way possible.

Create a logo

Don’t forget a logo that represents you and your business. If you’re not creative, you’ll want to hire a graphic designer or a logo creator to get this done.

See how all of these steps align to give your branding an overhaul and create a professional look and feel? These are important matters to the client and shouldn’t be ignored.

10 steps building your personal brand

Other great tips for building your personal brand

In addition to the 10 tips listed above, there are a few other things to keep in mind.

Make certain that you have a content strategy

Are you going to write blogs, make videos, do podcasts? All of those are ways to get your product out in front of people. It might be uncomfortable at first, but don’t let that stop you.

Make certain that the quality is high and you’re consistent with whatever you decide to do.

Whatever you do, make it valuable so that people will engage with it.

How to make your brand visible

Once you’ve done the above steps, it’s time to start making your brand visible! You can do this by finding people to collaborate with, doing interviews about your brand, going Live on Facebook with another Facebook page, and the list can go on from there.

Step outside your comfort zone and reach out to other people. Have a topic or idea in mind already and be clear when speaking to them.

Networking groups are really great as well which can be done in person or even via zoom.

The more that you can get people’s attention and get them to engage, the better!

If you’d love to connect with me one-on-one and have that FREE thirty minutes strategy call where we go over your branding message, your personal style, branding, as well as your content on your social media, I would love to do that with you.

I’m offering a complimentary thirty-minute session with me for some real actions that you can implement right away for your business. 

Ready to take the next steps? I’d love to hear from you! Check out my free personal brand download below!


Refine Your Personal Brand, Style & Visibility with what makes you unique so that you spend less time creating content and more time connecting with your perfect audience that wants what you have to offer!

In this download, you get my Personal Brand, Style & Visibility workbook AND video guide that walks you through the beginning steps to help set you up for success as a Personal Brand.

And it’s all free. (Yeah!) Branding doesn’t start with fonts and colors. It starts with YOU! 

Brand Visibility Workbook

building your personal brand


Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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