

How To Grow Your Visibility And Attract The Right Clients

Reading to learn how to grow visibility and attract the right clients? This tips for finding the perfect client can help you scale your business to levels you’ve never dreamed possible!

How To Grow Your Visibility And Attract The Right Clients

How can I reach more of my ideal audience, and convert them?” It’s a great question, and it’s really important to know all of the actionable steps that you can take as an entrepreneur and as a small business owner, so that you can reach more of your ideal audience in hopes that they’ll message you, call you, go to your website, etc.

How To Grow Your Visibility And Attract The Right Clients

The following tips can help you increase your business visibility and attract clients that can then convert to sales.

You don’t have to have thousands of people following you – you just need to have the right ones. 

Don’t get caught up in those vanity numbers because they don’t mean anything. It’s not a matter of the numbers, it’s a matter of the quality of people you are attracting.

I want to share with you five keys to get not just more of an audience to your social media profiles, but rather the perfect audience, and then how to convert them.

5 Simple Tips to Attract Your Perfect Audience To Convert To Sales

These simple and manageable tips can help you convert your audience in a way that is easy and simple to replicate.

Invest in an ad strategy and marketing strategy 

If you have a business page and an Instagram business account, you must include an ads strategy in your marketing and make sure that you are posting the right content. If you want to spend more time doing the things that are productive, an ad strategy and an ad campaign attached to that strategy are a must.

This has to be done so that you are retargeting, and recapturing the right audience, and leading it to conversions.

If you are using a business page, you can elevate it by pushing it with some ads.

Set up an evergreen system that leads your potential audience to a lead magnet

If you have your own website, set up a landing page where people can opt-in for something to download that’s going to be beneficial, and valuable to them.

Boosting  on social media is something that is available to a page owner or admin, but it is definitely not the way you want to go with Facebook Ads. They have an option to reach every single person in this world, or in the U.S, or within a certain age range. However, you can’t get very detailed with targeting by just boosting.

You’ll want to go through the ads manager that is inside of your business manager, and if you don’t have your business manager set up yet, you can just go to the Facebook blueprint or, just search it on Google. There are some instructions that will help you through that.

That is something that we set up in my program as well as with my one-on-one coaching clients, and I can also give you some ideas on how to set that up appropriately through a complimentary call. 

how to attract new clients

When you go live on Facebook, you start capturing eyeballs immediately

You want to be consistent in your Facebook lives.

Set it up at the same time and day of the week, every week, and promote it ahead of time. Schedule out some posts a day, or two ahead of time.

Let people know that you are going live on such dates, and maybe even include it in your cover photo of your business page.

Go into groups and make use of those in addition to having your own community

Find groups that you can join in — community groups, business groups, and networking groups but don’t spammy. Instead post in the group and give tips on something. Reply to other questions that people are asking, and be helpful.

You can also go into that search bar of that group and type in keywords that have to do with your business, and see what comments or conversations popped up that have to do with something that you can help them with, and then start commenting on those posts.

The more that people in that group see you pop up, the more credibility it gives you, and the more you are going to be seen as that.

If you don’t have your own group set up yet, you definitely want to work on setting up your own community. That’s a great place for you to have more personal interaction with the people that are your ideal audience, and from there you can highly convert them much quicker than you could on the business page.

Collaborate with people that can help with your audience

I did something with one of my friends, and a complete Pinterest powerhouse, Laura Rike. She actually is not just a Pinterest expert, she has trained on Tailwind’s page as well. If you are not familiar with Tailwind, it’s a third-party app that works with Pinterest and they are a Pinterest partner and a tool that you can use to schedule your pins to Pinterest, and also to other platforms.

I found out that I was missing out on using Pinterest for my business. I get so many leads and traffic to my website from Pinterest organically without actually spending ads dollars on Pinterest, 

Use platforms and connections in a way that can be mutually beneficial.

Do you have any other tips on how to attract the ideal client?

More Marketing Tips and Ideas

attracting the perfect client


Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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