

Business Brand vs Personal Brand

Are you a business owner, or just someone who wants to make a difference in the world? You might be juggling both roles. It is important to understand how the two brands differ and which one should come first when building your personal brand strategy. In this blog post, we will discuss what exactly makes up each of these two types of branding and how they can work together for success!

I’m going to talk to you today about business brand vs. personal brand, and what the difference is between both, and why both are important, but if you are an entrepreneur, one of them is probably more important than the other. 

how to grow your personal brand

Business Brand vs Personal Brand

As a founder of your business, you have a huge attachment to it. I know I do. I have an attachment to Hype Media as a business, and I have an attachment to Style Rebel Mama, which is my image consulting business. But the attachments are different, and here’s why. I’m proud of both. I served people in many different ways with both, but the Style Rebel Mama started as a personal brand.

And you can tell when you go to that page, when you go to anything that has to do with Style Rebel Mama, the difference in the energy, the content, the engagement, 

I put myself out there as a personal brand versus as the jewelry that I represent, or other products and services that I offer through that brand. 

Whereas with Hype Media, because it’s an agency, and we deal with a lot of “done-for-you” clients, small businesses, and corporations in the beginning, there was no Ginna Tassanelli involved in that, not in the forefront. And so what I learned over time was that part of the reason why during times when I have the downs was because I wasn’t putting myself out there as a personal brand.

So we get really attached to building our businesses, but we forget about the human aspect that is needed within our business to make some real human connection because here’s the thing, people don’t buy products, they buy into people. They build relationships with a person before they actually buy a product. 

4 Reasons To Trust in Your Personal Brand

  1. There is an element of trust when you put yourself out there as a personal brand, meaning as a human being, in front of your business. And you are able to really differentiate yourself from your competitors. really important to put yourself out there as a personal brand, and know that in a saturated market, or what it may seem like a saturated market in the business that you are in it actually isn’t if you step outside of your comfort zone, and you put yourself out there in front of your business.
  2. When you put yourself out there as a personal brand, as the voice, as the human in front of your business, the products that you sell, the services that you offer, you build credibility with your audience, with your ideal audience.  So they’re going to see you not just as the owner of the business, but they’re going to see you as the person that they’re trusting, the person that they are recognizing to be the leader of that business, and that will also help when you are putting yourself out there as a personal brand versus as your product, or services
  3. So they’re going to see you not just as the owner of the business, but they’re going to see you as the person that they’re trusting, the person that they are recognizing to be the leader of that business, and that will also help when you are putting yourself out there as a personal brand versus as your product, or services.
  4. When you put yourself out there as a personal brand, you will find your tribe. When you are not making as much as you expect to because you’re putting all this work, and effort out there. A lot of that has to do with the messaging being off, and typically when we are constantly pushing our products, and services the message doesn’t stay consistent, because you are not putting you as a human being, your characteristic, your own experiences, your values, your skills, you are not putting those on the forefront. Instead, you are leading with a product or service, and you may have multiple products, you may have multiple services, and that’s all you’re talking about

Leading as a personal brand is really going to change the perception that people have of your business as well. Because they will relate more, they will connect more, and you will find your perfect audience.

For more business tips, check out these other great posts:

Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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