

How To Attract Your Target Market Using Your Personal Brand

Are you ready to learn how to attract your target market? Your personal brand is the perfect way to get in front of your ideal clients and customers.

how to grow your target market

What I want to talk to you about is something that I’m super passionate about because I’m also an image consultant and personal stylist to female entrepreneurs. This is one of my passions and I’m absolutely obsessed with it.

First want to throw it out there that this is not about vanity.

This is not about being judgmental or wearing the latest, and greatest styles. This isn’t about looking super expensive, or spending tons of money on ourselves, okay?

This is about putting yourself out there in a way that when you are talking to potential clients, or to your audience that you are also physically aware of your outside appearance so that you’re conveying a message so that you can then attract the perfect clients to your business.

How To Attract Your Target Market Using Your Personal Brand

How many of you start your day with your outfits laid out and planned out? Most of us don’t, we don’t plan ahead.

We’re scrambling, trying to get ready for a meeting and what happens is when we don’t have a structured working wardrobe for us that represents exactly how we want our target market to see us, then we misalign ourselves as well.

And in the end, you might end up reaching the wrong people, and might be talking to the wrong people. And that means that you’re going to be running in circles trying to gain clients and business. 

What you wear is super important

What you wear is super important and you need to include that in your schedule and to have it planned out. This sets the tone for the day and shows your clients that you’re ready to rock. 

Having the right wardrobe might be a bit confusing, overwhelming, challenging, and might cause decision fatigue as well. So if you follow along with me on my other page for my image consulting business, the Style Rebel Mama, you’ll hear decision fatigue quite often because it’s something that we all go through. 

Show up for the position you want

Yes! If you want to dress like the boss that you claim to be, do so! But if you’re wearing clothes that don’t represent that, it can be an uphill battle to get over the hump. 

Tips for Using Your Personal Brand to Attract Your Target Market

The first step to putting yourself out there in a way that’s going to attract the right type of person is to get clear on the distinct look or your signature look, okay? And again, this is for guys too.

Think about what message you’re trying to convey.

Think about who you’re trying to attract, and stay true to yourself, but connect your wardrobe with that target market as well. Think about your products and services.

Are they meant to attract a younger type of audience? And if they are, it doesn’t mean that you need to dress you know, as a teenager, or a college student would dress. But you also don’t want to outdate yourself, either.

You want to align yourself more with that target market, What characteristics define your target market? Are they younger? Are they older? Where do they hang out? Do they typically hang out like at a coffee shop? Are they into networking? What colors are they drawn to?

Colors have a huge psychological effect not only on our own mood, and our productivity, and motivation but also on others as well.

And then you want to think about what is the typical work environment like for them, or for your products, and services. How can you dress to relate to them? 

The other thing to think about is being professional does not mean that you have to wear a stuffy suit at all. A nice pair of denim jeans, and a blazer, and a top underneath with accessories will go a long way. 

Be you, be authentic

Be genuine, show your personality, and your lifestyle with your wardrobe.

Ask yourself how well does your wardrobe differentiate itself positively from your competitors?

For my style business, I’m known to style with kimonos. So you will see me wear a lot of kimonos. You want to choose something that is unique that will help you stand out to incorporate that as part of your signature style.

That way when you are doing your marketing, you have that piece of that item. It’s part of you, and it follows along with you, with all of your social media marketing, and people recognize you because of those little tidbits.

It could be an accessory, it could be the way you do your hair, it could be makeup, etc.

Use something specific to identify your brand

It could even be your background that you use during all your videos and Lives.  Maybe you have a chandelier that’s in your backdrop or in the background of your Facebook Lives, and so whenever you pop up on Facebook Live, people notice that right away because it’s part of your signature style.

How does your wardrobe affect your brand?

For me, I like to use a lot of colors. Because I have this bold ball of energy to me most of the time. And so you’ll see me use a lot of bright colors.

That’s just part of my personality, part of my brand style, and I love it. 

Define your wardrobe style

Is it going to be chic, is it edgy, is it boho-ish, is it classic? Think about all those things and if you’re not sure, I’ll help you figure that out, I am doing thirty-minute complimentary consultations, where we actually talk about your personal brand style, your marketing, and social media strategies.

Think about textures and prints. Use certain colors to identify your style. 

The more that you can align your personal style in a way that makes it recognizable and consistent, the better luck you’re going to have in reaching your target audience as well.

Don’t miss out on these 10 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand


Hey There, 

We ignite process-driven entrepreneurs to lean into their brand unapologetically. We show them how to authentically share their story of uniqueness in order to gain visibility, credibility and generate leads through social media strategy and content.

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